Photos to appear in hockey book

I received an email the other day for a request to be published in a hockey book. This was rather exciting because the other times I've been published, they've been in digital publications. This will be the first print publication. Although I won't be paid, I will receive photo credits in the book as well as a couple of autographed copies of the book.
Here is a copy of the email:
Hello Brett,

I would like to feature two of your Flickr photos 


Red Wing Fan 2

in my new hockey book. I’m very impressed with the quality and spirit of your photos - they would look great in print!

About me: I am an established sports writer from Toronto. This will be my eighth hockey project. My others include Double Overtime, Xtreme Hockey, The Canadian Hockey Atlas, The Best of Hockey Night in Canada, The Last Hurrah, and Slapshots. My next book, Triple Overtime, will focus on NHL team history and fan culture. It will be in stores in the fall of 2012.

In order to use your image, I will need confirmation that the photo was taken by you. In exchange for permission to use your photo, I will of course formally credit you in the book and can also recommend your work on Flickr, your blog, Linkedin, etc. Please just let me know exactly how you’d like your credit to appear (usual format: Name/Flickr).

Please let me know as soon as possible, as my deadline for your approval is in the next couple of weeks. If you are willing to grant permission and release for your photo, I would need you to please provide an original high-resolution version of the photo along with notification of your permission to reproduce and publish the image.

I am happy to provide more details, so please don’t hesitate to email me with any questions.

Great photos, keep ’em coming! All the best,

Stephen Cole


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